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Home: Welcome

Once upon a time...

Art and stories have been a part of my life since I was child. I'm blessed with a family of readers and appreciate or even talent for the arts. 
I went to work part time jobs in my late teens and after graduating due to it being the more "secure" route. After a while this was draining my energy, mental health, and certainly didn't leave much room for being creative. Providence intervened in an unexpected way. I suffered a head concussion that didn't allow me to go back to work or socialize in loud places. During this time, I decided to work from home (which had always appealed to me). I started an Etsy shop selling my art as gift items and did commission work. I found myself being drawn back to my love of stories and being a picture book illustrator. I didn't dive into it immediately. I researched for more than a year. I finally did my first book in May of 2022 and have worked with other up and coming authors! It clicked that THIS is what I want to do. I share my work and journey here with you. ❤️

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Featured Books I Have Worked On


The Traveling Book
by Charissa Bates

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The Gift of the Gratitude Fairy
by Erin Finocchi


Sheldon's Time
by Lindsey Pope

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I Do Declare! A Norwegian Fair! ~ my book

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My Authors Debut!

This year, I've been working with Charissa Bates yet again but this time in a writing capacity as well as illustration. Charissa Bates is...

New book in time for Thanksgiving!

My latest book illustration project with a new author has finally come full circle and I can share The Gift of The Gratitude Fairy! We...

Book for Introverts

I meant to share about this earlier but have been juggling two book projects and negotiating a third. What a fun and amazing time! Now to...

My Second Book!!! 📖

I have been working very hard at the illustrations and formatting on this new book by Charissa Bates. This one has more plot and levels...

A Dream Realized!!!

I've been absent for some time but with a good reason! I am now a published Illustrator! Being a children's book illustrator has been the...

The Biggest Art Question!

"How do you find your style?" or "How do I find my style?" We've heard this. We've asked this. It's the most prevalent question in the...

Painting From Folklore

Do you know what a Kitsune is? As a lover of both Myths and the Japanese culture, I enjoy diving into their folklore of old and how it...

Mental Health in a Rush Culture

In the past couple months, I've been learning how to make digital products. Something that was very intimidating when I started my Etsy...

Fall Hygge Life

Today I experienced that first feel of fall in the air. Where the temperature is just a wee bit chilly without being cold, you can...

Art Journey & Origin

I didn't want to start with anything heavy. I thought I'd just share a little insight into my art journey as it is now. I've been...

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Thank you for checking out my site! Any question? Want to commission me for an art piece or interested in hiring me as an illustrator for your project? I would love to hear from you and answer any questions. Best ways to contact me are thru Facebook messenger or email. 

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